You are reading this page because the FTC says I must have it on my site.
They say I must tell you when I’m earning money from things you click on.
Do you really care? Okay, maybe some of you think I will link to things (a.k.a., sell them) just to make a buck. But most of you know that I will only link to things (or companies) that I trust. Most of what I link to will be things I’ve either tried myself or heard other people rave about.
Affiliate links help me make a little extra money to pay for the expenses of my blogs.
If you have any questions about this blog, you can contact me here.
Disclosure Policy
As I mentioned, you may see links on this blog from Educents (things for your grandbabies!) and Amazon and other companies. Those are affiliate links.
If you click on them and then buy from the site it takes you to, I get a commission. It’s not a lot– I’m not getting rich from it– but every little bit helps pay the bills.
Most of the links are to companies hand-picked by me, companies that I think would be of interest to you (because they are of interest to me).
Some of the links are to books and other items on Amazon (because I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites) — again, hand-picked by me because I think they will interest you.
A few links may be “ads” that I hope will be appropriate, but please forgive me if I’ve not been specific enough to get the right ads. I’m still working on it!
There may also be times when I tell you about a product (also known as a “sponsored post”). Chances are good that I received the product for free in exchange for a review and a little promotion.
I know many other bloggers will not write a review unless it’s a good review, but I’m a bit different. If a company (or person) sends me something to review, I will review it– honestly. If I don’t feel it’s up to par, I will tell you in my review.
I realize that others may not share my opinion of the product, so I’ll try to be fair and find something good about it. But, I’ll share the stuff I don’t care for as well. I always try to be fair as well as honest.
And, I may accept cash advertising, paid insertions, or other forms of compensation. Regardless of whether I receive a free product or payment, my opinions will always be my own, written in all honesty.
Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party in question. In other words, you don’t have to take my word for it– find out for yourself!
With that in mind, I hope you’ll find my reviews and links helpful. As with all my sites, it is my goal to glorify God on this blog. If I can share a product that helps me achieve that goal, all the better!
And, finally, this blog doesn’t contain any content which might present a conflict of interest. If I’m biased about something, I’ll let you know. 😉
I hope you’ll let me know through comments or direct messages whether or not the posts help you!
Privacy Policy
While you are welcome to use this blog anonymously, if you’d like to leave a comment you must include your name and email. This is done so I can weed out spammers. You will not be added to my mailings unless you sign up for them, and you may unsubscribe at any time by following the instructions at the bottom of each email.
The affiliate links use cookies. If you have your cookies turned off, I will not override that choice– I also won’t get a commission if you buy from one of my affiliate links. I hope you will consider turning on your cookies while you’re here, as a way to help me earn a little cash.
This privacy policy is only in effect for this site, If you click a link to another page, you will need to check their disclosure and privacy policies.
I do not sell your information. For any reason. At all. Ever.
This is a family-friendly site, geared toward users who are at least 13 years of age or older. (But there should be no problems if younger children are on your lap while you use this site. That’s why I state it is “family-friendly.”)
By using this site, you consent to my disclosure and privacy policies.
(This page was last updated/modified September 1st, 2017.)